I Got Labeled Right Away: Jennifer Lopez on dating younger men

Recently in the news for a budding relationship with Canadian rapper Drake, Jennifer Lopez has finally opened up as to what was really going on between her and the One Dance singer.

JLo appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and was called out for dating younger men by the host, reports US Magazine.

To which, the On The Floor vocalist suitably answered, "alright, as a matter of first importance, stop. I don't date more youthful men," Lopez, 47, contended with host Ellen. "Dislike you must be more youthful, it's not about that. I simply meet individuals and in the event that I go out with them, I go out with them, and on the off chance that I like them, I like them and on the off chance that I don't, I don't. It's just about the individual. It's about their identity, it has nothing to do with age." she said.

"I dated Casper Smart and he was more youthful and that was the main person I ever dated more youthful than me and afterward I escaped," she proceeded.

"In the event that they're more seasoned, they're more seasoned. In the event that they're more youthful, they're more youthful. It doesn't make a difference. It's regardless of whether I'm pulled in to them or not, pulled in to their soul, their spirit, whatever their vitality is." the Dance Again vocalist finished up.

Talking about her condition with Drake, Lopez said that the pair was simply hanging out while they teamed up on a melody.

"We were simply hanging out," Lopez kidded of the photograph of herself and the Hotline Bling vocalist, which surprised web.

To which, DeGeneres, 59, answered: "I hang out with a great deal of companions and we never hang out that way."

Lopez went ahead to state, "He sent me a tune that he needed me to be on. And after that I got on the melody. In this way, better believe it, we have a melody together," the Get Right artist clarified. "I don't recognize what he will do with it."
I Got Labeled Right Away: Jennifer Lopez on dating younger men I Got Labeled Right Away: Jennifer Lopez on dating younger men Reviewed by imran ahmed on 09:37 Rating: 5

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