Priyanka Chopra, who stunned us at the Academy Awards last year, will be missing in action at the 2017 Oscars.
And what does she credit it to? Her busy work schedule, she tells The Hindu.
Her 16 hour work days comprise of juggling between shoots of the last couple of scenes of American TV indicate Quantico, going to special occasions and chipping away at ventures in Mumbai - all of which have taken up her time, subsequently the 89th Academy Awards won't be on her to-go-to list.
"I don't have roots, I just have wings," she includes. "My visa is stuck, I should take 10 flights a month on a normal. I load up planes like others utilize autos."
In any case, she doesn't appear to mind that she's "stuffed with a million things to do", truth be told, she appreciates it. "I am only a young lady doing my employment," she says.
Not long ago, Priyanka introduced the honor at the Golden Globes and a year ago at the Emmy's and Oscar's.
Priyanka Chopra will not be attending the Oscars this year
Reviewed by imran ahmed
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