Lovestruck - Danish & Ayeza

From the moment they laid eyes on each other, Ayeza and Danish knew they were meant for each other. But it hasn’t all been hunky-dory for them, as they had to tackle a lot of media buzz that was always fishing for gossip surrounding their relationship. Their wedding functions,  Their wedding capacities, paving the way to their official union just about three years back, were trailed by the whole country with much enthusiasm similar to the illustrious wedding of Kate and William. The couple now is a great deal more casual and settled in their lifestyle, and clearer on what they need from it pushing ahead. This current Valentine's Day, MAG takes a seat with media business' most loved sweethearts as they open up about their conjugal excursion, parenthood and what life has shown them up until this point.

Most paramount minute?

A and D: Marriage.

Your scariest minutes?

A: When I was in review 1, I accidently got bolted inside the washroom. I was exceptionally frightened on the grounds that the school had become off and I thought there won't not be anybody outside. Somebody in the long run got me out.

D: Once I verged on suffocating. I suspected that I wouldn't make it.

You're most apprehensive when?

A: The main day of shooting any serial for me is harrowing.

D: The night prior to the debut of my motion picture.

You're most agreeable when?

A and D: When I'm with my family.

Initially big name smash?

A: None that I can recollect.

D: Kate Winslet.

You wish to work next with?

A: Salman Khan.

D: Tom Hanks.

Most loved shading?

A: White and red.

D: Black.

Any identity you might want to go through a day with?

A: Angelina Jolie.

D: Salman Khan.

In the event that you were stranded on an island...

A: I would take my significant other and family along.

D: I might want to have my family, some nourishment and a vessel with me.

Craziest fan experience?

A: I can always remember this one fan who began crying madly when she met me. She asked for an embrace from me, too.

D: Once a female fan moved toward me and undermined to submit suicide in the event that I didn't kiss her.

On the off chance that you could get up tomorrow as someone for one day, whose life would you need to live?

A: I'm extremely cheerful in my life, Ma Sha'a Allah, so I wouldn't have any desire to be any other individual.

D: If I could wake up as another person then I think I might want to be a jinn.

In the event that you weren't doing what you are, what might you be?

A: Pilot.

D: Cricketer.

In the event that you could change something about your appearance or identity?

A: I am exceptionally attached to giving counsel. I generally propose to individuals what I would decide for myself, yet this regularly costs me a considerable measure. Along these lines, I might want to change this propensity for mine.

D: Nothing by any stretch of the imagination.

In the event that you could backpedal and fix something, what might that be?

A: I have put stock in such a variety of individuals, particularly companions who didn't merit my fellowship. I don't make companions now for a similar reason since it just squanders my time. I might want to have that time back.

D: I might want to change the way that I esteemed a few people who don't merit me.

You wish you never need to...

A: Live without my family and go over fake individuals.

D: Be separated from everyone else in my life.

Idiot proof approach to win your heart?

A: Be straightforward regardless of how unforgiving your words may sound.

D: Be practical.

Perfect man/lady?

A: My mother and father.

D: Dad.

You could never pardon?

A: A man who raises his hand on a lady.

D: Cruel individuals.

Who is nearest to your heart?

A and D: My mother.

You get most passionate when?

A: It's hard for me to go to weddings now after my rukhsati. I can't see a father weeping for his little girl.

D: I get enthusiastic when anybody from my family is in trouble.

The key to those lavish bolts and skin?

A: If you are agreeable in your own particular skin, it draws out a sparkle in you.

D: Healthy sustenance.

What's your work-out administration?

A: Thrice in seven days, I run and cycle for 10-15 minutes, each.

D: Exercise and petitions.

How would you unwind following a tiring day?

A: Even in the event that I have a couple of minutes off, I simply rushed to the closest shopping center or bazaar and shop for all the pointless eatables [laughs].

D: Spend time at home.

Three things you can't leave home without?

A: Phone, aroma and charge cards.

D: Credit cards, telephone and iPod.

What makes you fretful?

A and D: When individuals lie.

What is the most vital thing you have learnt so far in life?

A: Sometimes hush is the best answer to silly individuals.

D: Above all, you must be a decent person.

You are dependent on?

A: I can't do anything without my family.

D: Exercise.

Three words that portray you?

A: Smart, enthusiastic and goal-oriented.

D: Honest, dedicated and conferred.

Men/ladies ought to never?

A and D: Disrespect each other.

To what extent does it take you to prepare?

A: Depends; once in a while I take only five minutes, and in some cases any longer.

D: Just five minutes.

Your most irritating propensity?

A: I can be extremely loquacious.

D: None.

How have you changed post-marriage?

A: I have learnt how to overlook certain things and how to be upbeat and deal with individuals.

D: I have turned out to be more dependable.

How could you all initially meet?

A and D: We initially interfaced on the online networking website, Orkut. I (Ayeza) wasn't working in the entertainment biz around then. We then met surprisingly at a demonstrating organization and instantly concluded that we need to spend whatever remains of our lives together.

How did the proposition happen?

A: The first occasion when we conversed with each other on the telephone, Danish had conceded that he might want to wed me one day, so that was somewhat of a proposition. At that point his family came over and we got connected with later.

Who is more expressive and sentimental?

A: I am more expressive however Danish is more sentimental in light of the fact that I feel bashful.

D: I am more sentimental.

Who is more compliant?

A: Danish.

D: I concur.

Most critical things that you have learnt about the other after marriage?

A: Danish has shown me how to love genuinely. He additionally has a major heart and dependably helps any individual who is in any sort of need, something I have to learn.

D: Patience, modesty and love.

A counsel to your 10-year more youthful self?

A: Remember that if individuals are attempting to cut you down, it just means you are above them.

D: Grow up speedier in light of the fact that fame is sitting tight for you.

A counsel to your 10-year more established self?

A: Be yourself in light of the fact that a unique is justified regardless of a thousand duplicates.

D: Stay grounded.
Lovestruck - Danish & Ayeza Lovestruck - Danish & Ayeza Reviewed by imran ahmed on 08:16 Rating: 5

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