It's Pink Shirt Day, so wear some flair to stop bullying

Bullying is a global issue and impacts almost everyone one way or the other. Whether you are a victim of bullying or know someone who is or has been bullied, it is a problem that is happening everywhere.

Pink Shirt Day is celebrated this Wednesday to raise awareness about bullying in schools, workplaces, homes and across the Internet.

Its roots backpedal to 2007, when David Shepherd and Travis Price, both twelfth graders in Nova Scotia, Canada, went to a markdown store and purchased 50 pink shirts in the wake of finding out about the predicament of a ninth grader who was tormented for wearing a pink polo shirt on his first day of school.

The two adolescents circulated pink shirts to all the young men in their school as a dissent. Their position rapidly developed broadly with an extraordinary day set apart as a way to bring issues to light that tormenting ought to never be endured anyplace.

The force of Pink Shirt Day has likewise raised a huge number of dollars to bolster youth organizations and projects crosswise over North America.

Value's last comments were that the pink shirt is just an image, the individual wearing the one can have any kind of effect against harassing. Today was about the mark pink T-shirts made.

After the dissent spread to schools crosswise over Canada and around the globe, Nova Scotia's then-head Rodney MacDonald announced an area wide Stand Up Against Bullying Day on the second Thursday in September.

In 2008, British Columbia (BC) stuck to this same pattern with its own particular commonplace hostile to tormenting day, Feb 27. This date was changed to Feb 25 the next year, and Pink Shirt Day has been seen on this date from that point forward.

In spite of the fact that some different areas have their own particular authority hostile to tormenting activities – Ontario has its own particular Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week in November – many schools and associations outside BC are watching Pink Shirt Day today too.

The United Nations pronounced the official UN Anti-Bullying Day to be May 4 in 2012, and this is the date celebrated in US and British schools. Other pink-themed against harassing occasions are hung on the second Wednesday in April, assigned the International Day of Pink.

Also, the counter harassing activity is getting a lift from mold brands — of all shapes and sizes.

Vancouver youngsters' image Redfish Kids has joined the development by presenting a determination of reasonably tinted things including T-shirts and caps, which will see the full continues of every thing gave to Pink Shirt Day philanthropies the CKNW Orphan's Fund.

"February presents to us Valentine's and Pink Shirt Day and feels like the ideal time to rouse a little — or a ton — of affection and energy," Redfish prime supporter Kristy Brinkley, said in a news discharge.
It's Pink Shirt Day, so wear some flair to stop bullying It's Pink Shirt Day, so wear some flair to stop bullying Reviewed by imran ahmed on 09:52 Rating: 5

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