Lana Del Rey's latest single will make you fall in love!

Two years after her collection, Honeymoon, Lana Del Rey is back with her most recent single, Love.

The songstress' most recent single, Love, was as of late unpacked on Twitter when notices of the up and coming tune were seen in Los Angeles.

Lana, then, herself revealed her up and coming melody on her official Twitter account.

She posted:

“To begin with…all you need is ‘Love’

Presently, that the tune is at last out, we are absolutely enamored with it! With her hoarse vocals and sultry voice, we had no real option except to put the sentimental number on rehash.

Listen it to here:

Lana Del Rey's latest single will make you fall in love! Lana Del Rey's latest single will make you fall in love! Reviewed by imran ahmed on 10:58 Rating: 5

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