Shah Rukh Khan, known as King Khan, is a standout amongst the most modest and sensible Bollywood stars. Celebrated for his unobtrusiveness, Shah
Rukh demonstrated once more, why he is cherished and revered by a large number of his fans round the globe. In a current video which as of late became a web sensation via web-based networking media, a homeless person is seen approaching SRK for some nourishment.
Not overlooking his own particular humble beginnings, the Raees performing artist liberally requested that his bodyguard nourish the poor man while he conversed with the person pleasantly.
As indicated by DNA, the picture takers who were available there affirmed that the man was nourished appropriately.
Watch the video here:
Let’s all together now, Awww!
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The moment Shah Rukh restored our faith in humanity
Reviewed by imran ahmed
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